1968: Head of the construction department under the Sverdlovsk regional party committee
1975: Secretary of the Sverdlovsk CPSU regional committee in charge of industrial regional developments.
1976-1985: First Secretary of the Sverdlovsk CPSU regional committee.
1978-1989: a deputy of the USSR Supreme Council ( a member of the union's Council).
1984-1985; 1986-1988: a member of the USSR Supreme Council.
1981:was elected a member of the CPSU Central Committee at the XXVI CPSU Congress ( occupied this position till 1990).
1981: Head of the construction department under the CPSU Central Committee.
June 1985: Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee in charge of construction.
December 1985 г - November 1987: First Secretary of the CPSU Moscow City Committee.
November 1987 - 1989: First deputy-chairman of the USSR State Construction. -
March 1989: a USSR people's Deputy.
June 1989 - December 1990: a member of the USSR Supreme Committee.
March 1990: a people's Deputy of the Russian Federation
May,29 1990: Chairman of the Russian Supreme Council.
July, 1990: discontinued his CPSU membership.
June,12 1991 and on: The Russian President.
On February,15 1996 during his working visit to Yekaterinburg, Boris Yeltsin officially declared he would stand for the second term -in-office.
On March,25 1996 an Initiative group which nominated Boris Yeltsin for the second term-in-office, presented all the documents necessary to register him as an official candidate: a list of 1 372.000 voters' signatures in support of Mr.Yeltsin and his Pre sidential bid, dated on March,23
The Presidential elections were held on June,16 1996. The Central Electoral Commissions early returns show, Boris Yeltsin has received 35,06 votes and got into the second round runoff.